Andy McKay

Aug 25, 2009

Going to Django Con

In a couple of weeks it will be time to head down to Django Con. Looking forward to meeting a whole bunch of Django people. I'll be giving two talks and it would be great to see you there.

The first is entitled "What the Heck went Wrong" and is aimed at more novice developers and focuses on debugging techniques and tools. From how to do a simple print statement to tools like Django Debug Toolbar.

The second is "Fighting Malnutrition with SMS and Django" and covers the great work being done by the RapidSMS team and my brief involvement with it. It's a longer talk that covers an innovative use of Django and some sample code for using Django in a slightly different environment.

Also sad to note tonight that at the moment both djangopluggables and djapp are both offline. Yet djangozen is still chugging along.