Andy McKay

Jun 21, 2014

DSF and Transparency

About a year ago I was elected to the Django Software Foundation board as the Secretary. My main reason for taking on that role was to increase transparency into the foundations activities. Since then we’ve:

  • Published a record of meeting notes after every board meeting. Almost every thing discussed in those meetings is added to those minutes. Some highly sensitive legal or personal issues might have been truncated.
  • Published documentation about the committees.
  • Published an annual report that details all the activities of board over the year. This annual report also discloses the financial status of the foundation.
  • The board plans to discuss status at DjangoCon US, similar to previous years.

All this information can be found at But I’d like to see what more we can do. Is there anything you’d like to know about the foundation and it’s activities? If so, drop me a line.